第 34 课:Taliban Suicide Bomber 'Targets' Vice President Cheney Outside US Base in Afghanistan 阿富汗美军基地外 , 塔利班自杀式袭击 “ 瞄准 ” 副总统切尼-2

Cheney left the airfield about two hours after the explosion and went to scheduled talks with Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Kabul. 切尼在爆炸发生大约两小时后离开了空军基地并且按照行程在喀布尔与阿富汗总统哈米德 . 卡尔扎伊举行会谈。

The two men met privately for about 45 minutes before joining advisers. 在与顾问交流之前两人私下会面了大约 45 分钟。

U.S. and Afghan officials are increasingly concerned about a major Taliban offensive expected in the next few weeks. 美国和阿富汗官员正对预料会在接下来几周发生的一起主要的塔利班进攻日益关注。

Taliban spokesmen say they are planning a massive wave of violence throughout Afghanistan as soon as the weather improves and snow begins to melt. 塔利班发言人说他们正谋划一场巨大的暴力风浪,一旦天气有所改善并且雪开始融化,这场暴力风浪将席卷整个阿富汗。

Cheney also made an unannounced visit to Pakistan Monday amid reports that both Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents have established a series of bases along the Afghan border. 切尼也于周一对巴基斯坦进行了一次未向外界宣布的访问,有报道说塔利班和 “ 基地 ” 组织的起义人员都已在阿富汗沿线边境建立了一系列基地。

Cheney reportedly warned Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf that U.S. funding to Islamabad could be in jeopardy unless his forces help improve regional security. 据称,切尼警告巴基斯坦总统穆沙拉夫说,如果巴基斯坦军队不能帮组改善地方安全,美国对伊斯兰堡的资助将会告急。

On Monday, Britain said it would send an additional 1,400 troops to Afghanistan to help repel any offensive.在周一,英国称会额外派遣 1400 名士兵到阿富汗以帮组抵制任何进攻。

There are already approximately 45,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan, including more than 27,000 U.S. forces and 5,000 from Great Britain. 现在已经有大约 45000 外国军队驻扎在阿富汗,包括多于 27000 的美国军队和 5000 来自英国的军队。