第 41 课:Belligerent Green Ogre Back for Shrek the Third

Once upon a time, there was an ogre named Shrek whose 2001 movie was such a big hit there had to be a sequel ...and there was in 2004. 曾经有一段时间, 2001 年上演的一部电影中名叫史莱克的怪物轰动一时,这一效应使得史莱克再度出现在电影屏幕上……那时候是 2004 年。

Now, third upon a time, the big green guy would much rather be living in his beloved swamp, but family obligations keep him and Princess Fiona at the castle where her dad, the benevolent Frog King, is deathly ill. 现在,第三股史莱克热潮掀起。这个绿色的怪物宁愿生活在它所喜爱的沼泽地里,但是家庭责任使它和菲奥纳公主不得不留在城堡中,因为公主的父亲 —— 仁慈的青蛙国王身患重病。

Unless Shrek can find the only other heir, a petulant teen named Arthur. 除非史莱克能找到另一个王位继承人,那是一个叫做亚瑟的任性的年轻人。

Mike Myers returns as the voice of Shrek, a character the Canadian-born comic actor says is a true collaboration with the animators . 迈克·梅尔斯 再度为史莱克配音。这位出生于加拿大的喜剧演员说这个角色的配音需要和动画制作人通力合作。

MIKE MYERS : I feel like a custodian of something that these really great filmmakers have made. I think this is the best of the three, I think they have built on 'one' and 'two' and created a great team. They write a great script and you know you just kind of fall back in the arms of these great filmmakers. I feel like I go to film school every time I'm going to do a session with them. 迈克·梅尔斯 :我觉得我喜欢这些伟大的电影制片人创作的东西。我想这是三部影片中最成功的一部。我觉得他们是在第一部和第二部的基础上创造了一个了不起的团队。他们写了一个很棒的剧本,而且你知道你是在重新投入到这些伟大的电影制片人的怀抱中。每次和他们合作我都觉得自己像是来到了电影学校,而我正在和他们一起训练。

Eddie Murphy voices the streetwise sidekick Donkey and, like Myers, he is a gifted improvisation of comic; but Murphy says the animators from the beginning imbued the character with his style of humor. 埃迪·墨菲是史莱克的“驴伙伴”的配音演员,这个伙伴聪明伶俐,很会生活。跟 梅尔斯 一样,墨菲也是个天才的即兴喜剧演员。但是,他说从一开始,动画制作人就把这个角色放在他的幽默风格里了。

EDDIE MURPHY : So much thought goes into bringing them to the screen, all you really have to do is show up and do what they tell you to do. They know what they want. They are really specific about how they want you to say things. Improvise a little bit and they use maybe ten percent of the stuff that you improvise; but for the most part they know what they want. It's pretty much laid out for you so you go in and do your job. 埃迪·墨菲:这么多的想法伴随着他们走上屏幕,但你真正要做的是把它们表达出来,做他们让你做的事情。他们知道他们想要什么。他们想要你用以表达的方式真的很特别。你只须临时准备一下,而他们可能只用到你临时准备的材料中的十分之一;但是大部分情况下他们知道他们想要什么。关键是你要融入其中做你该做的事情。

The "Shrek The Third" road-trip would not be complete without Puss-In-Boots. The furry fairy tale favorite oozing with charm and bravado is voiced by Antonio Banderas who loves the twisted take on storybook standards. 如果没有 那只“穿靴子的猫” ,那么《怪物史莱克Ⅲ》的旅途是不完整的。这个童话故事里最惹人喜爱的角色,浑身上下毛茸茸的,散发着魅力和自信,它的配音演员是 安东尼奥·班德拉斯。安东尼奥喜欢故事书里的事物被扭曲后的形象。