第 47 课:New Baseball Stadium Takes Shape in US Capital

For those who drive down Washington's South Capital Street, they can see the new stadium for the Washington Nationals taking shape . 在华盛顿的南首府街上驱车向南行驶,你会看到正在兴建中的华盛顿国民队新棒球场。

What they cannot see is a home plate in the ground, already placed at what will be the focal point when the stadium is full of baseball fans. 当然,从外面看不到场内的本垒,在球场建好后,那会成为全场观注的焦点。

Four hundred construction workers have been busy working two shifts, and soon that number will reach 1,000. Ground was broken last May at the site by the Anacostia River, not far from the U.S. Capitol. 四百名建筑工人正在分为两班紧张工作,很快,工人的总量会加到一千。去年五月,棒球场在阿那克斯提亚河的旁边破土动工,邻近美国国会大厦。

The framework is expected to be complete by July and the stadium will be ready for next season. 基本框架计划在六月前完工,这样,下一季就可以展开场馆的装修工程。

With the opening one year away, Washington Nationals officials gave a special tour to members of the media. 球场明年才会对外开放,华盛顿国民队的官员邀请了媒体提前参观。

Team President Stan Kasten told the gathering he is constantly asked if the stadium will be completed on time. 球队老板斯坦·卡斯滕向来者透露,人们总是持续不断地追问,球场是否会按期完工。

STAN KASTEN : You can not have any doubts that we are opening this ballpark in April '08. 斯坦·卡斯滕:我们将在 2008 年 4 月开放球场,这一点毋庸置疑。

The stadium will cost $611 million, paid with public funds and to be leased to the team. It is expected to be much more than just a place to watch a baseball game. The city hopes the new stadium can revitalize the run-down Anacostia area and bring in lots of tax revenue . 棒球场耗资 6.11 亿美元,由公共基金支付,租借给华盛顿国民队使用。人们对球场的期望远不止一个观看棒球比赛的场所那么简单。市政府希望,这座新的体育场可以挽救日益衰落的阿那克斯提亚地区,带来大笔的税收。

It will replace the Washington Nationals current home, RFK Stadium, which is 47 years old. RFK has been showing its age for some time, and many fans, like Ross Feldman, look forward to the move. 新球场会替代华盛顿国民队现在的球场,已经投入使用四十七年的 RFK 球场。这个老球场已经逐渐难以掩盖岁月的痕迹,很多球迷也非常期待能够搬家,罗斯·费尔德曼就是其中之一。