第 50 课:Super Hero Tackles Most Daunting Villain , Self, in 'Spider-Man 3'
《蜘蛛侠 3 》:超级英雄遭遇最强对手 — 另一个自我-2

Kirsten Dunst returns as Mary Jane Watson, the would-be Broadway superstar who finds her longtime romance with Peter Parker threatened by his dual personalities. Dunst believes that inner struggle is a key to the lasting appeal of this super-hero. 克里斯滕·邓斯特仍然扮演女一号玛丽·简·沃森,这个百老汇的明日之星发觉她与彼得·帕克的漫长罗曼史受到了威胁,而这种威胁正是来自蜘蛛侠的双重身份。邓斯特相信,蜘蛛侠的内心斗争是这个超级英雄保持魅力的关键。

KIRSTEN DUNST : 'Spider-man' is always tortured by what he is and who he is and his responsibility ...and he is a young boy, still trying to become a man in his most formative years: being a teenager, doing his first love and then he has to save New York at the same time. And also, he has always been the every-man guy you know. He has made it so that anyone can be a hero. You can't look up to one guy. I mean not to be too sappy, but (it is about) finding the hero and taking action yourself in the world. 克里斯滕·邓斯特:蜘蛛侠一直受到一系列问题的折磨:他是什么,他是谁,他的责任是什么…同时他还是个年轻的男孩子,在成长中的关键时期努力完成从男孩到男人的转变:像一个普通的青少年那样经历初恋,但同时还得拯救纽约。他就像你认识的任何一个男人一样,这让人们感觉谁都可以成为英雄。你不能期待真的找到这样一个人,那种想法太天真,这个故事真正要告诉我们的是,要在自己身上寻找英雄,要勇敢地去实践。

SAM RAIMI : Peter Parker in this story is on a journey to learn that vengeance is not the answer (and) that forgiveness is a higher aspiration. 山姆·拉米:在这一集电影中,彼得·帕克学会复仇不是答案,原谅才是精神的升华。

Sam Raimi also returns for a third time as director and co-writer. 山姆·拉米在电影的第三部中仍然担任导演,并参与剧本改编。

SAM RAIMI : What I've always been interested in is that Peter is a flawed person and not everything is going right for him. The girls don't particularly find him attractive, he is broke, he comes from a broken home. He is a geek ...and this kid has suddenly got all this power. There's always been this idea in my mind, from what I get from the comic books, is that he has to learn to quickly mature and become responsible and deal with his power in a most responsible way. It is an awesome situation I think for a character. 山姆·拉米:让我一直感兴趣的是:彼得并非完人,他身上也有缺点,也会遇到麻烦。在女孩子眼里他并不怎么有吸引力,他来自一个破碎的家庭,所以自身也不完整,他是人们嘲笑的对象…就是这样一个男孩有一天突然得到了无穷的力量。看过漫画之后我脑子里一直有个想法,彼得必须尽快成熟起来,变得有担当,能够负责任得运用他身上的能量,这种局面对角色来说可不轻松。

A lifelong Spider-man fan, Raimi believes this super-hero's journey is about more than just battling fantastical villains. 作为一个彻头彻尾的“蜘蛛侠”迷,拉米相信这个超级英雄的使命远不止对阵令人眼花缭乱的对手那么简单。

SAM RAIMI : More than any other hero, 'Spider-man' represents America. I don't mean the movie, I just mean the qualities that the character embodies. He is self-questioning. He has made mistakes ...terrible mistakes. He has hurt the ones he loves even, and yet he wants to do best and he is powerful and he strives to do good and he risks everything for it and he is kind and fair, when his mind is right. And so it is actually that self-questioning character that has been through this terrible darkness and is trying to find himself and trying to do the right thing. 山姆·拉米:蜘蛛侠代表了美国,在这一点上他远远超出其他英雄形象。我并非指电影本身,而是说这个角色带出的品质。他是个自我反省的人;他会犯错误,甚至是非常严重的错误;他伤害过他深爱的人,所以更加想要做到完美;他力量强大;他不顾艰险,十分努力地做好事;在思维正常的时候他善良而公正。正是这样一个处于自我反省中的人物,经历了骇人的黑暗,始终坚持努力地找回自己,伸张正义。

Spider-Man 3 also features James Franco as Harry Osborn and the 'new goblin.' Thomas Haden Church is the conflicted crook who becomes 'Sandman.' Topher Grace plays Peter's rival who becomes the villain 'Venom.' Bryce Dallas Howard is Gwen Stacy, a romantic rival for Kirsten Dunst's Mary Jane; and among cameos in Spider-Man 3 , watch for a Times Square scene with Spider-Man creator Stan Lee.《蜘蛛侠 3 》同时还邀请了詹姆斯·弗朗克出演哈里·奥斯本,新一代“绿妖怪”;托马斯·哈登·彻尔赤出演变成了“沙人”的恶棍;托弗尔·格雷斯出演彼得的另一个对头“毒液”;而布莱斯·达拉斯·霍华德则出演克里斯滕·邓斯特的情敌,格温·斯塔西。在《蜘蛛侠 3 》的预告片中,您将和蜘蛛侠之父斯坦·李一同欣赏在时代广场上的一场戏。