第 52 课:"Green" Schools Improve Student Performance and Health

Maldies says simple modifications such as buying energy saving appliances or turning off unused machines and lights can make a big difference. It's encouraging, he says, that more schools seem interested in adopting the green approach. 摩尔迪斯说购置节能设备、关闭不用的机器和电灯等,这类改变虽不起眼,却收效显著。这确实鼓舞人心,越来越多的学校对这种绿色环保方式感兴趣。

NEIL MALDIES : There are 40 schools across the nation that are actually green certified through the U.S. GBC (Green Building Council). And there are about 300 schools that are in the process of getting certified. 尼尔·摩尔迪斯:全国已有四十所学校通过了绿色建筑委员会的认证,另外还有三百所学校正在争取获得该认证。

Among the characteristics of green schools are a better lighting system and better indoor air circulation than other buildings. That makes green schools a better learning environment, according to Trane's Maureen Lally. 特灵空调 公司的莫林·劳丽告诉大家绿色学校拥有比其他建筑更好的照明条件和室内空气循环系统,这些使得绿色学校具备更好的学习环境。

TRANE'S MAUREEN LALLY : There are many research studies that definitely show daylight, better lighting, definitely improved test scores. Indoor air quality, like having a good temperature or constant temperature neither too high nor too cold, affects teachers' and students' ability to concentrate and to perform better on tests. 莫林·劳丽:许多研究都明确证实日光及很好的照明设备能够显著提高学生的考试成绩。室内空气质量,比如适宜而稳定的温度,既不太热也不太冷,能使得教师和学生注意力更加集中并在考试中取得好成绩。

Rochester School District's Green Initiative Coordinator, Maurice Bell, says being involved in greening their own school helps students' performance in many other ways. 罗彻斯特学区的绿色活动协调员莫里斯·贝尔认为参与学校的环保活动有利于改善学生在其他方面的表现。

MAURICE BELL : Students have to do the observation. They do the measurement of light in hallways and various rooms throughout the building, which gets them into the scientific method. They have to do the calculations , which causes them to use their math skills. They also present to the faculty, they present to the Board of Education at an end-of-the-year celebration of what they have done. So they also enhance their reading, writing and speaking skills. 莫里斯·贝尔:学生们必须要观察。测量教学楼大厅及各个房间的光线能让学生们应用科学方法。他们还得进行计算,由此锻炼了他们的数学技能。他们还必须得面向全体教员在年末典礼上向教育委员会汇报他们的成果。因此,他们的阅读、写作和表达能力都得到了提高。

According to Andrew Topinka, of New Jersey's Green Building Council, although technology makes it easier to green America's schools, involvement by the younger generation is the most important resource in this process. 新泽西州绿色建筑委员会的安德鲁·托品嘉认为虽然各项技术使得美国学校的环保活动顺利进行,但在此过程中,青年一代的参与才是最重要的资源。

ANDREW TOPINKA : They are interested in where they live. They are interested in how they live. They are interested in the planet they are on. I just had a 16-year-old junior, a girl who is a Girl Scout, who is putting on a global environmental program in her community. This is what kids are doing today. Putting on their own programs. They are aware of this. 安德鲁·托品嘉:他们关心自身的居住环境,关心自己如何生活,关心这个人类赖以生存的地球。我认识一个童子军成员,她是个十六岁的女孩,她在自己的社区内开展全球性的环保计划。这正是今天的孩子们在做的,他们开展自己的环保活动,他们具有环保意识。

Topinka says many students are even adopting the green approach as a lifestyle beyond school hours. They are leading by example: encouraging their friends and parents to change old behaviors and be green advocates wherever they go. 品嘉说许多学生甚至把环保当作他们的生活方式,即便是他们不在学校的时间。他们以身作则,在所到之处宣传他们的绿色环保主张,并敦促他们的朋友和家长改变陈规陋习。