第 59 课:Bus Bomb Kills at Least Three in Sadr City

Police say the bus bomb killed at least three people when it exploded in Baghdad's predominately Shi'ite district of Sadr City. The minibus that was used for the attack was gutted by flames and its windows shattered. Five others were injured in the attack. 一枚汽车炸弹袭击了位于巴格达的什叶派地区萨德尔城,警方称,至少有三人在这起爆炸中丧生。用于袭击的小型巴士已经完全烧毁,玻璃粉碎。另有五人在该事故中受伤。

In Kirkuk, 250 kilometers north of Baghdad, authorities say unknown gunmen broke into a home and opened fire on a Kurdish family, killing an eight-year-old girl, her elder sister and parents. 在巴格达以北二百五十公里的基尔库克,官方报道,有不明来路的持枪者闯入了一户库尔德人家庭,杀死了一个八岁大的女孩以及她的姐姐和父母。

The U.S. military said an American soldier was killed and two others wounded when a roadside bomb struck their patrol southwest of Baghdad. 美军声称,美军士兵在巴格达西南部巡查时遭遇路边炸弹的袭击,一名美军死亡,两名受伤。

Separately, coalition forces detained 13 suspected terrorists in raids in central Iraq on Saturday morning. Two of the individuals were found with grenades and military-style ammunition vests in their possession. The military says the men are suspected of having ties to al-Qaida in Iraq. 另一方面,联军周六早晨在伊拉克中部进行临检时,拘留了十三名恐怖分子嫌疑犯,在其中两人的私人物品中查获了手榴弹和军用防弹背心。军方称,他们怀疑这些人与伊拉克的基地组织有关系。

Meanwhile, in a previously unannounced visit, Australia's Defense Minister Brandan Nelson met with Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki (Saturday) in the Iraqi capital. In a statement, Iraqi officials said Mr. Maliki told Nelson that he believes the Baghdad security plan is going in the right direction, despite challenges. 同时,在最近的一次秘密访问中,澳大利亚国防部长布兰丹·内尔森在伊拉克首都会见了首相诺里·阿尔-马里奇。在一份声明中,伊拉克当局称,马里奇首相告诉内尔森,他相信,尽管充满挑战,巴格达的安全计划仍然在朝着正确的方向前进。

Nelson arrived one day after U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates concluded a two-day visit to Iraq. While in Baghdad, Gates warned that the U.S. military presence in Iraq is not open-ended, and he urged political factions to reconcile quickly and move forward. 内尔森抵达的前一天,美国国防部长罗伯特·盖茨刚刚结束了他对伊拉克为期两天的访问。在巴格达,盖茨做出警告,美军进驻伊拉克并非无限制的行动,他催促小政党之间尽快和解,以推动局面向前发展。

The trips by the two defense ministers come at a particularly violent time in Iraq. More than 200 people have been killed since Wednesday in a series of massive car bombings. As a result, the so-called surge in U.S. troops has come under increased scrutiny in the United States. 在这两位国防部长到访期间,伊拉克的局面正处于极度紧张之中,暴力袭击不断。自周三以来,已经有二百多人在一系列残忍的汽车爆炸案中丧生。因此,美军所谓向伊拉克大规模派兵的计划在国内面临越发谨慎的观察协商。

U.S. Senator Harry Reid said earlier this week that he told President Bush the war in Iraq is lost. 美参议员哈里·瑞德在本周的早些时候声称,他已经告诉总统,美国输掉了伊拉克战争。

Speaking in the midwestern state of Michigan Friday, President Bush expressed confidence in the plan and in the military commander carrying it out. 然而,周五,在中西部密歇根州的讲话里,布什总统表示,他对新的作战计划和军队指挥官的执行情况都有信心。

PRESIDENT BUSH : General (David) Petraeus has been carrying out this new strategy for just over two months. He reports that it will be later this year before we can judge the potential of success.布什总统: 戴维 ? 彼得雷乌斯中将执行新的战略不过两个月的时间。他在报告中称,至少要到今年晚些时候我们才能够评判胜利的可能性。

The United States is currently increasing the number of American troops in Iraq in a bid to stabilize Baghdad and other violent areas of the country. The Pentagon says the 30,000 troops being deployed to Iraq as part of the troop surge will remain there until at least the end of August. 美国近期正在向伊拉克增派军队,以求稳定巴格达和伊拉克其它战乱地区的局势。五角大楼方面称,作为大规模派兵的一部分,三万士兵正在被部署到伊拉克,他们至少要在那里呆到八月底。