第 60 课:Thousands of Refugees Pin Hopes on East Timor's Elections

Just across from Dili's airport lies a makeshift refugee camp housing around 400 people. This is a common sight here: scores of camps like this one are spread around East Timor's capital. 东帝汶的帝力机场对面就是一个难民营,那里收留了大概四百个难民。几十个像这样的难民营分布在东帝汶的首都周围 —— 这已经是该地区随处可见的景象了。

The residents of the camps live in dismal conditions. The tents are hot, they flood when it rains, and rats and other vermin are a constant nuisance . 难民营的难民们生活凄凉。帐篷里平时很热,而一到雨天又会遭到水淹,老鼠和其他害虫更是频繁光顾,成为一大公害。

The people survive on aid from the United Nations, and on whatever tiny amounts they can earn from small businesses some of them have set up. 难民们靠联合国的救援和自己经营的小生意那一点微薄的收入勉强度日。

Still, the refugees prefer to put up with conditions like these, rather than return to homes they do not consider safe. 尽管如此,难民们却宁可忍受这样的条件也不愿回家,因为他们认为回家太不安全了。

Telvina da Costa lives with her children and extended family in the camp across from the airport.She is a strong woman, proud to have survived 24 years of harsh Indonesian rule after the territory separated from Portugal in 1975, and the violence that subsequently surrounded East Timor's vote for independence from Indonesia in 1999. 泰维娜·克斯加是个坚强的女人,她带着孩子和一大家人住在机场对面的难民营里。东帝汶地区 1975 年从葡萄牙独立后,又被印尼政府严酷统治了二十四年; 1999 年,决定是否从印尼独立的投票事件又引发了暴力冲突。泰维娜·克斯加以自己能在这样的条件下生存二十四年之久为荣。

But Telvina is angry. Her home was destroyed a year ago when violence engulfed Dili after the firing of 600 soldiers led to wide-spread rioting. She and her family were forced to flee to this camp. 但是,泰维娜很愤怒。一年前,六百名士兵交火引发了一场大规模的暴动,她的家在这次席卷帝力的暴动中毁于一旦。她和她的家人不得不逃到了这个难民营里来。

She says she wants to be able to live freely in her own country. She says that is why she voted for independence. She wants jobs so her family can live decently, and she wants a good education for her children. 她说,她希望能自由的生活在自己的国家里,这就是她投票赞成东帝汶独立的原因。她希望能有工作,这样她的家人就可以体面的生活,她还希望自己的孩子能接受良好的教育。