第 69 课:Israel Carries Out Airstrike in Gaza 以色列对加沙发动空袭

The Israeli strike followed a recent spike in rocket attacks by Palestinian militants against Sderot, the nearest Israeli town to the Gaza border. 斯德洛特 是以色列最靠近加沙边界的小镇。最近,以色列针对 斯德洛特 的巴勒斯坦武装分子发动的火箭袭击进行了还击。

Israel's Prime Minister warned Israel would no longer tolerate the attacks. Defense Minister Amir Peretz told Israel Radio that Israeli patience had run out . 以色列总理发出警告,以色列将不会再忍受这样的袭击。国防部长阿米尔·佩雷茨通过以色列电台表示,以色列的耐心已经耗尽。

Peretz, who also heads the Labor Party, says while Israelis want peace they will not put peace before security. 同样是劳工党领导人的佩雷茨表示,虽然以色列希望和平,但是他们将不会把和平放在国家安全之上。

The militant group Islamic Jihad is claiming responsibility for the attacks and vowed to retaliate for Israel's missile strike. The group did not sign a Gaza truce agreement with Israel that other Palestinian armed factions agreed to last November. 伊斯兰圣战组织杰哈德宣称他们对这起袭击事件负责,并誓言将对以色列的导弹攻击采取报复行动。该组织没有签署去年十一月由其他巴勒斯坦武装组织同以色列达成的停火协议。

Meanwhile, U.N. officials say they are increasing security at U.N. facilities in Gaza, where Islamic extremists attacked a U.N. run school on Sunday. The group called a sports festival at the school that involved both boys and girls "un-Islamic" and warned of violence. A security guard was killed in the attack and seven others were wounded. 与此同时,联合国官员称,他们正加强驻加沙地区的联合国设施的安全工作。星期天在加沙地区发生了一起伊斯兰极端主义分子袭击当地学校的事件,那所学校为联合国创办。该组织称这所学校的一个运动节中有“非伊斯兰”的男女学生加入,并且节日中间还有武力警告活动。一名警卫在那次袭击中丧生,另有七名人员受伤。

The senior U.N. official in Gaza, John Ging, says the problems with security there can be tied to problems with money. 联合国驻加沙的高级官员约翰 ·京认为加沙地区的安全问题可以用钱来解决。

JOHN GING : The bottom line is that security forces that we all rely on to uphold law and order have been without their regular salaries for well over a year. They are demoralized , de-motivated and it is basically down to that. This was predicted, it is predictable, and until there is a solution to the funding crisis that faces the Palestinian Authority and all elements of the public sector, we can expect deterioration in public serves, including security services, to continue. 约翰 ·京:底线是我们用来维护法律与秩序的安全部队已经有一年没有领到工资了。他们士气消沉,没有斗志,而且每况愈下。这是个预言,也是预料中的,并且这种现象可能要持续到能解决巴勒斯坦当局及各公共部门所面临的经济危机的途径出现。否则,我们可以看到包括安全部门在内的公共部门将继续的消沉下去。

Most international funding to the Palestinian Authority was suspended last year following the Hamas victory in Palestinian legislative elections. A new Palestinian unity government has managed to get some funding restored, but mainly for humanitarian assistance. 大多数向巴勒斯坦当局提供的国际资金在去年哈马斯在巴勒斯坦立法选举中当选之后就停止了。新的巴勒斯坦民族团结政府设法重新得到一些资金,但是这些资金大多是人道主义援助。

Ging says despite the deteriorating security situation, the United Nations has no plans to curtail its extensive operations in Gaza. Palestinian security officials say the same group that attacked the U.N. run school appears to be behind a string of attacks on internet cafes, and video rental stores. 京说尽管安全局势不断恶化,联合国并没有计划要缩减其在加沙地区大面积活动的经费。巴勒斯坦安全官员们称袭击过加沙地区联合国学校的组织很有可能会发起一连串针对网吧及录影带出租店的恐怖行为。

More violence was reported when members of a Gaza clan attacked the al-Aqsa University campus in Gaza City. 在加沙宗派的成员袭击了位于加沙城内的阿克萨大学校园后,有关暴力事件的报导层出不穷。

Monday also marked the eighth week of captivity for the BBC's Gaza correspondent, Alan Johnston. He was the only western reporter permanently based in Gaza. Despite global calls for his release there is no information about his condition or whereabouts. 星期一就是英国广播公司驻加沙地区的通讯记者阿伦·约翰斯顿被囚禁的第八周了。他是唯一一位长期驻加沙地区的西方记者。尽管要求释放约翰斯顿的呼声响彻全球各地,但是至今也没有任何关于他的近况或者下落的消息。