第 1 课:英文快速学习 - 1

1. Will you be able to visit me tomorrow? 明天你能来看我吗?

2. It will take about five minutes to get there. 到那里大约需要5分钟

3. My brother is supposed to be back by six. 我弟弟应该6点以前回来。

4. “I'm coming!”he called down the stairs. “我来了!”他在楼下大叫。

5. I'm collecting coke cans from all over the world. 我收集世界上所有的可乐罐。

6. Dad comes home at seven every day. 爸爸每天7点回家。

7. She had worked hard to give her son a good education. 她为了让儿子接受良好的教育而辛勤工作

8. The building faces the square. 那座大楼面对着广场。

9. The snow was falling fast. 下雪了。

10. Don't forget to turn off the gas. 别忘了关煤气炉。

11. I handed her the letter. 我把信递给她。

12. The lake is covered with ice. 湖面上结滿了冰。

13. Are you still jogging every morning? 你仍然每天早晨跑步吗?

14. We keep a cat and a couple of dogs. 我家养了一只猫和两只狗。

15. This lady wants to see you. 这个女人想见你。

16. I'll mail it to you. 我会把它寄给你。

17. What makes you think so? 你怎么会这样想?

18. The ship was flying the national flag. 船上飘动着国旗。

19. On arriving at the station, he called me up. 他一到车站就给我打了电话。

20. Can I have a pack of cigarettes? 请给我一包香烟。