第 1 课: 英文快速学习 - 2

21. See page 7 for further details. 详情请见第7页。

22. I had a quick meal and then went out again. 我迅速吃完饭就又出去了。

23. I left my tennis racket on the bus. 我把网球拍忘在公共汽车上了。

24. He can speak Russian, German and Italian. 他会说俄语、德语和意大利语。

25. This salmon tastes great. 这盘三文鱼真好吃。

26. He saved her from drowning. 他在她快淹死时救了她。

27. Table tennis is very popular in China. 乒乓球在中国很流行。

28. I took a bus to the library. 我坐公共汽车去了图书馆。

29. I understand how you feel. 我明白你的心情。

30. Various goods were displayed in the shopwindows . 商店橱窗里摆着各种各样的商品。

31. I measure 30 inches round the waist. 我的腰围是30英尺。

32. You won one million dollars? You're kidding? 你中了100万美元?开玩笑吧。

33. Can I order a bottle of wine? 请来一瓶葡萄酒。

34. Be careful you don't drop the vase. 小心别把花瓶掉下来。

35. I called on him at his office yesterday. 昨天我去了他的办公室。

36. It is getting colder day by day. 现在一天天变冷了。

37. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. 我们在晚会上玩得很开心。

38. I fell asleep during the class. 我上课时睡着了。

39. Generally speaking, women live longer than men. 一般来说女性比男性寿命长。
40. Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜于语言。