第 6 课:Janpnese weddings

In the past, most Japanese participated in various Shintoist or Buddhist ceremonies, weddings funerals Buddhist. In recent times, the trend has been towards Christian and non-denominational weddings, and weddings are generally becoming more simple events. 自古以来,日本的佛教徒就常常在神社举行婚礼,神社办婚礼、寺庙办葬礼的情况是常有的事。最近基督教样式的婚礼增多,婚礼正朝着简单的方向发展。

The average age for a Japanese male to marry is 28 or 29, and 26or 27for females. Up until 1970, the average age for marriage was below 25, and so now Japanese are waiting longer until they get married. 日本人结婚的平均年龄是男性28~29岁,女性是26~27岁。1970年以前的平均年龄是25岁以下,所以日本人结婚越来越晚。

Incidentally, one in 3.5 marriages ends in divorce, indicating a rise in the number of divorces. 巧合的是日本的离婚率为每3.5组中就有1组,离婚人数也和人们的结婚年龄一样增加了。