第 9 课:Child abuse

Child abuse has been increasing in recent years. That's because, as ties are weakened in the extended families, those who didn't learn how to raise children from their own parents don't know how to interact gently with their children.近年来日本虐待儿童的情况有所增加。那是轩为,随着核心家庭的增多,家庭纽带逐渐变得脆弱,很多人没有从自己的父母那里学会如何养孩子,所以他们也就不知道善待孩子。

Unable to control themselves, they lash out at their children, and sometimes the abuse results in death. 他们不能控制自己冲着孩子发脾气,有时甚至发生虐待儿童致死的事件。

Many people who abuse their children were abused in the same way by their parents. In many cases, these parents don't have any friends or relatives to go to for help and advice. 很多虐待儿童的人在自己还是孩子的时候受到过来自父母的虐待。还有许多虐待儿童者往往没有任何可以依靠的朋友或亲戚给他们一些帮助或建议。

There have been many cases where children have died when their parents left them in locked cars on b hot summer day. Some parents leave their children in the car while shopping or playing arcade games. They need to learn that this can be very dangerous. 炎热的夏季里,被父母锁在密封的汽车里而导致窒息死亡的案例有很多。有些父母去买东西或打羽毛球时就把孩子关在汽车里。他们应该知道这样做是很危险的。