第 2 课: I wish I knew how to drive. 真希望我会开车。

Jennifer: And there's a little upside-down Dilbert on the underside. 而且内层还有个倒立的小呆伯特。

Billy: When you flip the tie up, he's right side up. Brilliant. 当你把领带翻起来,他就变正了。正点。

Jennifer: My dad will love this. He's a Dilbert fan. 我老爸一定爱死了。他是个呆伯特迷。

Billy: I wouldn't mind having one myself... 我不介意给自己买一条……

Jennifer: Model it for me. 系上去让我看看。

Billy: OK! [puts on the tie] 好!(打上领带)

Jennifer: Wow! You look just as dorky as Dilbert! 喔!你看起来就跟呆伯特一样蠢!

Billy: I wish I knew how to drive. 真希望我会开车。

Jennifer: You do? No problem. I'll teach you. We can start tonight! 真的?没问题。我来教你。我们今晚就可以开始!

Billy: Tonight? 今晚?

Jennifer: There's an empty parking lot right up ahead. The perfect place for your first lesson. 前面就有个空旷的停车场。正好可以让你上第一堂课。

Billy: Wow! Can you really teach me? I mean, have you ever taught anyone before? 哇!你真的可以教我?我是说,你有教过人吗?

Jennifer: Are you kidding? I'm calm. I'm patient. I've never had a car accident. I'm the perfect teacher. 开玩笑?我冷静又有耐心。我从来没出过车祸。我是最完美的老师。

Billy: OK, then let's go for it! 好吧,那我们就向前冲吧!