第 47 课: My stomach's growling again! 我的肚子又在叫了!

Crystal: My stomach's growling again! 我的肚子又在叫了!

Denise: You?ll never lose weight if you listen to your stomach. 如果听胃的话,你永远也别想减肥。

Crystal: Just a little steak, uh...snack? A bowl of clam chowder? 只要一小块牛排,嗯……零食?一碗蛤蛎浓汤?

Denise: You want to be beautiful, don't you? Think about the butter and flour in... 你想美美的,不是吗?想想里面的奶油和面粉……

Crystal: You're right. But if I get too thin, my mom will make me go to the hospital again. 你说得对。但是我如果太瘦,我妈又会逼我去医院。

Denise: Most models only eat once a day. If they can do it, so can we. 多数的模特儿一天只吃一餐。如果她们可以,我们也行。

Crystal: You know. Soup, oops, society makes us like this. 你知道的。汤,喔,社会让我们如此的。

Denise: I think you're hallucinating! What are you talking about? 我想你产生幻觉了!你在胡扯啥啊?

Crystal: Well, thin is always "in" with the media. 嗯,媒体一直热中于 ‘瘦’。

Denise: And your point is? 你的重点是?

Crystal: If you aren't thin, you're a nobody. 如果你不够瘦就注定是无名小卒。

Denise: I agree with you, but I think people are pretty bad, too. 我同意你,但我想人也很坏。

Crystal: You lost me. 我不懂。

Denise: People are always gossiping about one another. 人们总是互相说肥道瘦的。

Crystal: Yeah, but that's human nature. 对,但这是人类天性。

Denise: We can be so critical of one another. 我们彼此实在是太吹毛求疵了。

Crystal: Let's change the stomach, I mean, the subject. How about some food? 我们换个胃吧,我是说换话题。来点儿吃的如何?