第 68 课: I can't believe this! 我真不敢相信!

Mom: I can't believe this! 我真不敢相信!

Kevin: The power went out! Let me check the breaker. 停电了!我去检查一下断路器。

Mom: I missed the last two minutes of my show! I won't be able to sleep! 我错过节目的最后两分钟了!我睡不着了啦!

Kevin: Stop screaming, Mom. Here, take this candle? 别叫了,妈。来,拿着这蜡烛好吗?

Mom: Oh, my God! Did you see that? 喔,天啊!你看到那东西了吗?

Kevin: That was Tommy's friend--dressed up like an alien. Don't worry. 那是汤米的朋友——打扮成外星人的样子。别担心。

Dad: Major drag. I thought the "to be continued" was annoying. I'm gonna miss Larry! 真可恶。我本来还以为‘下集待续’已经够讨厌了。我会挂念赖瑞的!

Mom: It seems that the whole block is without electricity. 看来似乎整区都停电了。

Dad: Well, I guess that's a good reason to go to bed early. Our neighborly Ned was boring me anyway. 嗯,我想停电是早点上床睡觉的好理由。反正我们的好邻居奈德也让我觉得挺无聊的。

Mom: This could be a good chance for some quality family time. 这可以是共享天伦之乐的好机会。

Dad: Well, OK. What should we do? 好吧。那我们该做什么呢?