第 79 课: Who are the guys in the hats? 那些戴帽子的是谁?

Mei: Who are the guys in the hats? 那些戴帽子的是谁?

Javier: Those are mariachis. Traditional Mexican musical performers. 那是墨西哥街头乐师。传统的墨西哥音乐表演者。

Mei: The music is so romantic. 这音乐好浪漫。

Javier: And so are Latinos. Look at how they act when they're together. 拉丁美洲人也是如此。你看他们聚在一起的样子就知道。

Mei: And they seem so happy. And they treat everyone like family. 他们看起来好快乐。而且他们对每个人都像家人一样。

Javier: That's the Hispanic spirit. Mi casa es tu casa. It's hospitality at it's
finest! 那正是拉丁美洲人的精神。Mi casa es tu casa就是殷勤的待客之道!

Mei: Hey! I've seen those hanging animals before! 嘿!我看过那些吊着的动物!

Javier: Those are pinatas. They're a part of our Christmas celebration. 那是pinata。它们是我们的圣诞庆祝活动之一。

Mei: Aren't they made out of paper? 它们不是纸做的吗?

Javier: Yes. And they're filled with treats--candy and toys and even money! 是的。而且里面塞满了宝藏——糖果跟玩具甚至还有钱!

Mei: So how do you get them open? 那你要怎么把它们打开?

Javier: You are blindfolded and take a stick to strike it with. 你得蒙着眼拿根棍子打。

Mei: Sounds dangerous. 听起来很危险。

Javier: I guess it could be if you're not careful. Everyone takes turns until someone busts it open. 我想如果你不小心的话就很危险。大家轮流直到有人打开为止。

Mei: Oh, boy. They're looking at me... 喔,糟糕。他们都在看着我……