第 81 课: I don't quite follow. 我不太懂

Taylor: People will think you took the easy way out. No creativity. 别人会认为你想省事。没创意。

Yi-jun: Oh, then I should pick out a gift. Something for the house maybe? 喔,那我该去选个礼物啰。也许选个家庭用品?

Taylor: Couples always get like four toasters and five blenders. I bet they use the extras for wedding gifts later on. 小两口总会收到四台烤面包机跟五台果汁机之类的礼物。我敢说多出来的那些,他们后来都会拿去当结婚礼物。

Yi-jun: So, what should I get then? 那,我到底该送什么?

Taylor: Too bad it's not their second marriage. We could have fun with presents then. 可惜这不是他们第二次结婚。不然我们可以送些好玩的礼物。

Yi-jun: I don't quite follow. 我不太懂。

Holly: Second marriages usually mean they have everything they need for their place. 梅开二度通常代表他们家该有的都有了。

Taylor: So you can buy gag gifts--his-and-her fruit flavored underwear, erotic games. 所以你可以买整人礼物——送新郎或新娘水果口味的内衣、情趣游戏。

Holly: Well, Taylor can anyway. Those are more like bachelor party gifts. 嗯,泰勒还是可以送啊。那些比较像是男子告别单身派对的礼物。

Taylor: But neither one has been married before. 不过他们俩都没结过婚。

Holly: Right, so they probably need a lot of stuff to set up their house. 没错,所以他们可能需要很多东西布置房子。

Taylor: Bor-ring! 无——趣!

Holly: Rich's brother is sick. You know what that means. 李奇的弟弟生病了。你知道那代表什么意思吧。

Taylor: [Panicking] No! I'll have to be one of the groomsmen. (惊慌)不!那我就要加入伴郎的行列了。

Holly: Hah, the first time ever for you. I'm a bridesmaid; it's not that bad. 哈,这是你的第一次。我是伴娘;没那么糟啦。

Taylor: Easy for you to say. You don't have to wear a tuxedo that makes you look like a penguin. 你说得倒容易。你又不用穿会让人看起来像企鹅的晚礼服。

Holly: [Giggling] You'll probably have to make a toast at the reception, too. (咯咯笑)你也许还得在婚宴上举杯祝贺呢。

Taylor: Argggh! Shoot me now! 啊!快杀了我吧!