第 108 课: I'm pretty firm in my opinion. 我可是态度坚决

Aduh: During elections, a candidate says anything. But right afterwards, he totally forgets his campaign promises. 在选举期间,候选人都会乱开支票,但之后旋即忘记所有竞选承诺。

Linger: Not all politicians are bad. Some of them really care for the country. 不是所有的政治人物都很烂。其中有些是真的在关心国家。

Aduh: I guess that's why all they do in the Legislative is fight and yell . 我想这就是为什么他们总是在立法机构里又吵又闹。

Linger: I agree that that's not good. But that doesn't mean we should give up. 我同意那样的确不好。但那不表示我们就应该放弃。

Aduh: That movie Cat in the Hat even shows our legislators fighting on TV. Sheesh! What a loss of face. 电影《魔法灵猫》甚至还把我们立法委员打架的画面搬上电视屏幕。真丢脸。

Linger: It sounds like you've given up. 听起来你已经放弃了。

Aduh: I have. I only care about finding a job. But politicians just argue about
independence or unification. That has nothing to do with me. 我是啊。我只关心找工作的事。但从政的人净吵些统独问题。那跟我又没关系。

Linger: I know. So you feel like nobody cares about you, right? 我了解了。所以你觉得没有人关心你,对吧?

Aduh: That's right. So voting is a waste of time. 没错。投票只是浪费时间。

Linger: I'm going to make you change your mind. 我要让你改变心意。

Aduh: Don't count on it. I'm pretty firm in my opinion. 别指望了。我可是态度坚决。

Linger: You just wait. When I'm done, you'll definitely care about politics. 你等着吧。等我成功说服了你,你绝对会在乎政治的。

Linger: I need your help. 我需要你的帮忙。

Amanda: Sure thing. Anything for my favorite language partner. 当然好啰。我最爱的语言交换伙伴要我干嘛都好。

Linger: I need you to convince my brother Aduh to take Taiwanese politics seriously. 我需要你去说服我弟弟阿德,让他认真看待台湾的政治。

Amanda: Why me? I don't know anything about Taiwanese politics. 为什么是我?我对台湾的政治一窍不通。

Linger: But you know about American politics. 但是你了解美国的政治啊。

Amanda: Yeah. But I don't see how that helps with Aduh. 对,但我不明白那样对阿德会有什么帮助。

Linger: America is the most democratic country. If you can't convince him democracy is important, who can? 美国是最民主的国家。如果你不能使他相信民主很重要,谁能呢?