第 12 课: Let's hear it. 咱们听听看

Tanner: We have a real vampire story from where I'm from. 我的家乡有一个真正的吸血鬼故事。

Vlad: Let's hear it. 咱们听听看。

Tanner: One time a peasant died, and he came back to suck the blood of other villagers. 从前有一个农夫死了,然后回来吸其它村民的血。

Vlad: How did they know he was doing that? 他们怎么知道是他做的?

Tanner: After he died, twelve more young and old people died over the next couple of months. Before they died, they all said he had visited them. They died from loss of blood. 他死后的几个月里,又有十二位老人、年轻人死掉。在他们死前,他们都有说他曾经回来造访过他们。他们都因为失血而死。

Vlad: So, what did the people do? 那,你们村里的人怎么做?

Tanner: They dug up the man's body. 他们把那个人的尸体挖出来。

Yu-ling: Did he turn out to be a vampire? 他变成吸血鬼了吗?

Tanner: Yes. When they dug up his body, it was fresh after having been buried for two months. 是的。当他们将他的尸体挖出来时,被埋了两个月之后的尸体依旧完好。

Yu-ling: How could he be fresh? 他为什么能完好?

Tanner: He came out at night and revived himself with human blood. 他在晚上出来,用人血让自己重生。

Yu-ling: Did they kill him? 他们杀了他吗?

Tanner: They killed his spirit by driving a wood stake through the body's heart. 他们用木桩穿透尸体的心脏,将他杀了。

Yu-ling: How were they sure it was dead? 他们怎么确定他死了?

Tanner: Fresh blood poured out of its heart. 鲜血从他的心脏大量流出。