第 32 课: Give it a whirl then. 那就试试看吧

Luke: Mom! My teeth are killing me. And the skin inside my mouth is all cut up. 妈!我的牙痛死了。我嘴里的肉都割破了。

Mom: Did Dr. Dewis say that was normal? 杜医师有说那是正常的吗?

Luke: Yeah. I spit up blood sometimes, too. It's gross. The tightening today was torture! 是有这么说。有时候我还会吐血咧。真恶心。今天绑紧牙套真是一场苦刑!

Mom: The doctor told me the tightening is the worst part because it forces the teeth to move. 医师告诉我绑紧牙套因为是在强迫牙齿移动,所以是最难受的部分了。

Luke: He said I could put some wax pieces on the braces to smooth them out. 他说我可以在牙套上放一些蜡块,让牙套平滑一点。

Mom: Give it a whirl then. I'm sure it'll help. 那就试试看吧。我相信会有帮助的。

Luke: Gross! Look at this meat and lettuce from my burger today! 恶心!你看我今天吃的汉堡里的肉和生菜!

Mom: Where? I don't see any. 哪儿?我没看到啊。

Luke: In my teeth! See! There's always guck hiding in there. 在我的牙里!看到了吧!我的牙里老是有些黏涕涕的东西。

Mom: Just pick it out. 挑出来就好了嘛。

Luke: Sometimes, it comes flying out by itself! Even worse, sometimes it's when I'm talking to people-even girls! 有时候,它还会自己飞出来!更糟的是,有时候是在我跟人讲话的时候——甚至是在跟女生说话时!

Mom: Maybe you can carry a net in front of your face? 或许你可以在脸前面挂一张网子?

Luke: Ha! Sure, Mom! 哈!是喔,老妈!

Mom: At least I made you smile again... finally! 至少我又让你笑了……好不容易!