第 39 课: Is that statement true? 这样的说法正确吗?

Rick: Well, its nickname is “The City of Brotherly Love.” 嗯,它的昵称是‘友爱之城’。

Jin: Is that statement true? 这样的说法正确吗?

Rick: I think so. There are many cultural attractions here. And we have America's first zoo, with over 1600 animals. 我是这么觉得。这里有很多文化景点。我们有全美国最早的动物园,有超过一千六百种动物。

Jin: I heard good things about the art museum here, too. 我听说这里的美术馆也棒。

Rick: Yes. And this month is Clean Sweep 2003. Thousands will help clean up our city. 没错。而且这个月有二○○三除旧布新活动。成千上万人会参与清洁市容。

Jin: What a great community spirit. I can't wait to find out more about the city-and this investment idea! 真棒的社群意识。我等不及要多了解这个城市了——还有这个投资的想法!

Holly: What a great haunted house idea-the Haunted Woods! Bryan did a great job. 鬼森林——可真是一个鬼屋的好点子!布莱恩弄得满好的。

Yi-jun: I know. And here we are with no map, and we're going through the woods in a golf cart! 我知道。而且现在我们没地图,还要用高尔夫球车穿越森林!

Holly: Kinda spooky, huh? I hope nothing big jumps out at us. 挺恐怖的吧?我希望没什么恐怖的会朝我们跳出来。

Yi-jun: I wouldn't count on that. Bryan said to expect the unexpected! 我可不敢说。布莱恩说要等着看些出其不意的东西!

Holly: Well, it's definitely dark and creepy in here. 呃,这里真的是又黑又可怕。

Yi-jun: Yeah, it's giving me the creeps. I keep seeing things moving out there behind the trees. 对呀,这让我感觉毛毛的。我一直看到有东西从树后面跑出来。