第 40 课: Can I stay up? 我晚上可以不睡吗?

Taylor: Bryan said a prison escapee roams these woods! 布莱恩说有个越狱的人在这树林里游荡!

Yi-jun: Knock it off, Taylor! You're just trying to get us screaming. 别说了,泰勒!你只是想要让我们吓得尖叫罢了。

Taylor: This isn't scary. But I bet you girls will scream if something jumps out! 这又不可怕。但我敢说如果有东西跳出来,你们女生一定会尖叫!

Yi-jun: Taylor! Something just moved up there in front of us! 泰勒!我们前面刚刚有样东西在动!

Taylor: [Laughing] Don't worry, Yi-jun. I'll protect you. (笑)别担心,怡君。我会保护你的。

Yi-jun: Keep your eyes on where you're going! You're steering right for that... 留心看路!你开的方向正朝着那个……

Taylor: [Yells] Ahh! A werewolf! [crashing noise] (大叫)啊!狼人!(撞击声)

Nell: Wow, Holly, your place is totally decked out for Halloween. It's cool! 哇,荷莉,你家布置得好万圣节喔。酷喔!

Holly: That's because we're having a party here later tonight, squirt. 那是因为我们晚上稍后有办派对啊,小毛头。

Nell: Can I stay up? 我晚上可以不睡吗?

Holly: We'll see. You'll probably be on a big sugar high anyway. 再看看。反正你或许会因为糖吃太多变得很兴奋。

Nell: Hee-hee! Yeah! I hope your neighbors give out good candy. 嘻嘻!对呀!我希望你的邻居会发不错的糖果。

Holly: They will when they see what a scary witch you are. I love your fake nose and warts. 他们看到你是个恐怖的女巫,就会给你了。我喜欢你的假鼻子和疣。