第 46 课: You can trust us. 你可以相信我们

Trev: OK. Let's not play with the high rollers and just pretend we did. 好。我们不要赌太大,只要假装玩过就好了。

Wei: Don't get carried away, you two. 你们两个不要失去理智。

Trev: You can trust us. 你可以相信我们。

Wei: Remember, you won't be able to “wash” your way out of it this time. 记住, 你这次不能再靠洗盘子解决问题了。

Trev: Don't worry. I've got Paul with me. Nothing could go wrong. 别担心。我有保罗跟我在一起。不会出错的。

Wei: I'm going to go to that Egyptian museum. 我要去参观那个埃及博物馆。

Trev: Say hi to the mummies for me. 帮我跟木乃伊问好。

Wei: I'll send them your way if I see any. Ciao. 我看到的话会叫它们往你那儿去的。再见。

Trev: My dad calls these one-armed bandits. 我爸都叫这些是独臂土匪。

Paul: They're called bandits because they steal your money, right? 它们被称为土匪是因为它们抢了你的钱,对吧?

Trev: You got it. Me first. Here we go. [pulls arm] Come on, baby, Trev wants a new car. 没错。我先。开始吧。(拉手把)来吧,北鼻,崔佛要部新车。

Paul: Ew. A cherry, a lemon, and a flower. In other words, nothing. 嗯。一个樱桃,一个柠檬还有一朵小花。换句话说,什么都没有。

Trev: All right. You try. 好吧,换你试试。

Paul: [After pulling the arm] Yes! I won! Three cherries; look at all those coins! (拉手把后)赞!我中了!三个樱桃;你看那一大堆硬币!

Trev: That's just beginner's luck. 那只是初学者的运气。

Paul: No way. Quick, let's try something else. 才不是。快,我们去玩别的。