第 54 课: I just love the East Coast! 我真喜欢东岸

Candy: Hey, remember me, Candy? I'm Sarah's cousin, the one who wants to study abroad. 嘿,记得我吗?凯蒂啊?我是莎拉的表妹,就是想出国留学的那个。

Ian: Oh yeah, the one who wanted to apply to an MBA program. Have you made any progress? 噢对,你就是那个想要申请企业管理硕士课程的人。有任何进展吗?

Candy: Yeah, tons! I've got catalogs from a whole bunch of great schools. Maybe you want to help me look at them? 有啊,很多!我拿到很多好学校的简介,也许你会想要帮我看看?

Ian: I might be able to squeeze you in this weekend. Which programs are you looking at? 我或许可以把你排进这个周末,你在看哪些课程呢?

Candy: I want to go to an Ivy League school! I just love the East Coast! But Berkeleywould be fine, too. 我想进常春藤联盟!我真喜欢东岸!但柏克莱也不错啦。

Ian: Hey, nice Jag! So you want to join the Ivy League, eh? What'd you get on your TOEFL again? 嘿,这辆积架不赖嘛!所以你想进常春藤盟校是吧?你之前说你的托福拿几分?

Candy: Umm...one hundred and seventy. You think I still have a shot? 嗯……一百七十分。你认为我还有机会吗?

Ian: Maybe you should lower your horizons a bit. 也许你应该稍微降低标准。

Candy: What do you mean? If an Ivy won't take me, at least Berkeley should. It's a public school, right? 什么意思啊?如果常春藤不收我,至少柏克莱也应该会啊。它是公立学校,对吧?

Ian: Candy, I think we should start thinking a little more strategically. Have you considered studying in a smaller, slightly less well-known program? 凯蒂,我认为我们应该开始做些比较策略性的思考。你有没有考虑过就读比较小、稍微不那么有名的学校课程呢?

Candy: What do you mean? You want me to go to a lower-tier school? 你的意思是什么?你要我去比较差的学校?

Ian: Well, California has plenty of other state schools. Their programs are easier to get into. 听着,加州有很多其它的州立学校。它们的课程比较容易申请上。

Candy: Wherever I go, as long as there's good coffee, I'll be happy. 不管去哪,只要有好咖啡,我就很高兴了。

Ian: Oh, you're a coffee drinker? I thought you were from Taiwan? What are you doing drinking coffee and not tea? 噢,你是个酗咖啡的人?我以为你是台湾人咧?怎么不喝茶而喝咖啡呢?

Candy: Only people my grandparents’ age drink tea. 只有我阿公阿嬷那年纪的人才喝茶。

Ian: You have the best tea in the world here, and you're squandering it? 这里有全世界最好的茶,你还不珍惜?