第 62 课: All he does is get in my way. 他就只会找我麻烦

Ivy: You can't do that. Everybody has put so much time into this. 你不可以那样做。大家已经在此投入这么多时间。

Mike: Everyone except Gary. All he does is get in my way. 所有人除了盖瑞以外。他就只会找我麻烦。

Ivy: That's not true! He's helped you from the beginning. 那不是真的!他从开始就在帮你。

Mike: So you're on his side now, as well. I should have expected that. 所以你现在也站到他那边去了。我早该猜到了。

Ivy: I'm not taking sides. I just want the play to be good. 我不是选边站。我只是想要话剧成功。

Mike: It will be good. I'll take care of everything. 它会成功的。我会搞定所有事。

Ivy: I really don't think you can do it. 我真的不觉得你做得来。

Gary: You see, Mike? If you want this play to work, let me take over. 你看吧,麦克?如果你希望这话剧成功,让我接手。

Mike: It's either me as director, or no play. 要嘛就是我当导演,不然就别演了。

Gary: You're on some kind of weird power trip, man. 老兄,你真是被某种奇怪的权力欲望附身了。

Mike: Those are your choices. Take it or leave it. 你只有这些选择。接受不然就滚蛋。

Gary: All right. You leave me no choice. I'm off the play. 好。你让我别无选择。我退出话剧。

Mike: Good. Now I can get things done. 很好。现在我可以做事了。

Gary: I doubt it. I'm the only one that knows how to direct. Without me, everybody will quit. I'm out of here. 我怀疑。我是唯一知道该如何导戏的人。没有我,大家都会退出。我走了。