第 65 课: You're having a great time here! 你在这里过得这么快乐

Holly: So, see? How can you leave? You're having a great time here! 所以了解吗?你怎么可以离开?你在这里过得这么快乐!

Yi-jun: Yes, silly, but I'm Taiwanese. I want to go back home. 是啊,傻瓜,但是我是台湾人。我想回家了。

Holly: Well, if I can't change your mind, I'll...I'll make you a huge Thanksgiving feast before you go! 这个嘛,如果我改变不了你的心意,我就……我就在你离开之前,为你办一场盛大的感恩节大餐!

Yi-jun: If it's anything like your mom's Christmas feast, then that's a lot of work. 如果这跟你妈的圣诞大餐类似的话,那可是要大费周章呢。

Holly:It is, and it will be. But it will be worth it. Maybe it'll even make you want to stay! 没错,它绝对会如此的。但是很值得。或许它甚至会让你想留下来!

Yi-jun: Save your breath, Holly. I am going home! 省省口水吧,荷莉。我会回家的!

Gimi: Wow, looks like we made it just in time. It's packed in here. 哇,看来我们来得正是时候。这里挤满了人。

Holly: Yeah, people always buy out the stores before the big holidays. 对呀,大家老是在重大节日之前把商店给搬空。

Gimi: Here're the turkeys. How big of a bird did you want to get? 火鸡在这。你要多大只的?

Holly: Well, we've got about ten people coming to dinner. So the bigger, the better. 呃,我们大概有十个人会来吃晚餐。所以越大越好。

Gimi: All right, this one's the biggest. Are we ready to check out? 好吧,这只是最大的。我们准备好要结帐了吗?

Holly: Not so fast, big guy. We haven't even started! I need everything on this list. 没那么快,大个子。我们甚至还没开始呢!我需要清单上的每样东西。

Gimi: Uh, can I wait in the car? 嗯,我可以在车子里等吗?