第 69 课: Cheers to you all. 大家干杯

Holly: Help yourselves to the spinach dip and other appetizers. We can eat in about thirty minutes. [goes back to kitchen] 自行取用菠菜沾酱和其它开胃菜。我们三十分钟内开饭。(回到厨房)

Yi-jun: Can we put the rolls on now? 我们现在可以上面包卷了吗?

Holly: Sure can. And it's time to get Taylor to come carve the turkey for us. 当然可以了。也到了叫泰勒来帮我们切火鸡的时候了。

Yi-jun: I'll finish whipping the mashed potatoes! 我会把马铃薯泥搅拌好的!

Holly: We can set the table, too. I just wish we had good china to serve on. 我们也可以摆饭桌了。真希望我们有好的瓷器可以端上去。

Yi-jun: Don't worry. No one came here for the fancy dishes! 别担心。没人是为了精致的餐具而来的!

Cath: As wishbone pull winner, I'd like to make a toast before we eat. To Holly, for having us today. 身为扯许愿骨的赢家,我想要在我们开动之前敬个酒。敬荷莉,敬她今天邀请我们。

Rich: Me next. Yi-jun, Gimi, we'll miss you two, but we'll never forget you. [everyone says “Hear, hear!”] 下一个是我。怡君、吉米,我们会想念你们二位的,不过我们永远都不会忘记你们。(大家说:‘没错、没错!’)

Gimi: Cheers to you all. It's been great getting to know you! 大家干杯。能认识你们真是太棒了!

Bryan: To a wonderful Thanksgiving! Hopefully it will not be the last time we are all ogether. 敬美好的感恩节!但愿这不是我们最后一次团聚。

Femi: Well, I'll do the simple one. Thanksgiving is a day for thanks. Thanks for the friendship and great food! [someone yells “ Well put!”] 呃,我说个简单的。感恩节是感谢的日子。感谢这段友谊和好食物!(某人大叫:‘说得好!’)

Yi-jun: I guess it's my turn. To all of you, for welcoming me into your hearts. And to you Holly, because you're my best friend! 我想轮到我了。敬你们大家,因为你们真心诚意接纳了我。还有你,荷莉,因为你是我最好的朋友!

Taylor: Well, I don't know how to top that, except to say, Femi and I are moving to Hong Kong! [everyone is surprised] 呃,我不知道该怎么赢过她说的,除了说,费咪和我要搬去香港了!(大家惊讶)

Holly: Not to outdo you, Taylor, but I have something to say, too. 不是要把你比下去,泰勒,但是我也有话要说。

Taylor: You're moving to Hong Kong, too? 你也要搬到香港去?

Holly: Not quite. Gimi has asked me to marry him. [someone says “Wow!” And today I ant to say: Gimi, my answer is “Yes! I'd be honored to marry you.” 也不是啦。吉米已经跟我求婚了。(某人说:‘哇!’)而今天,我想要说:吉米,我的答案是 ‘好的!嫁给你是我的荣幸。’