第 80 课: You're not satisfied with our work? 你不满意我们的工作?

Rita :I'm going to need you two to give a little more effort in the office. 我要你们两个上班时多努力一点。

Troy: You're not satisfied with our work? 你不满意我们的工作?

Rita: Well, you haven't been doing a lot of phone sales lately, Troy. 这个嘛,你最近电话营销做得不够多,特洛伊。

Troy: That's because I've been putting everything into getting that report together for the meeting next week. 那是因为我做的一切都是在汇整下周会议的报告。

Rita: Yes, well. It shows. On that note, I'm instituting a new policy. 是啊,这样子,看得出来。说到那个,我正在制定一个新的制度。

Troy: [Under his breath] I'm sure this will be interesting. (低声)我敢保证这绝对很有趣。

Rita: Anyone who doesn't meet their weekly sales targets will have their pay docked. 只要有人没达到他的周业绩目标,就会被扣薪。

Lucy: I just got my paycheck. There was like ten thousand NT missing from it. 我刚拿到我的薪水支票。里面大概有一万块不见了。

Troy: This is getting way out of hand. SHE's using every excuse to dock our pay. 这真的是太夸张了。她用一堆借口扣我们的薪水。

Lucy: She "fined" me for taking an extra coffee break. 她为了一个额外的咖啡休息时间罚我钱。

Troy: Well, there's no way she'll be able to get away with this much longer. 呃,她不可能在这样快活太久了。

Lucy: Says who? People get away with abusing their subordinates all the time. We have to do something. 谁说的?人们一向虐待下属也不会受逞罚。我们一定要有些行动。

Troy: No way. I'm not going to be dragged into office politics by that woman. I have two children to support. 不行。我才不要被拖进那女人的办公室体制里。我有两个小孩要养。