第 81 课: What are you trying to say? 你这是想说什么?

Rita: Haven't you finished your report for the meeting this afternoon? 你还没弄完今天中午会议的报告吗?

Troy: Of course. I just printed myself out this copy. 当然弄完了。我刚刚帮自己印了一份拷贝。

Rita: I'll take that. I just want to look over a few details to make sure you didn't screw anything up. 我要那份拷贝。我只是想要看看一些细节,确认你没搞砸什么。

Troy: [Angry] You know, Rita, I have many years worth of training at this job. (生气)你知道吗,莉塔,这工作我可是有多年训练的。

Rita: What are you trying to say? 你这是想说什么?

Troy: Well, I don't think I would, as you say, "screw anything up." 呃,我不认为我会像你说的那样 ‘搞砸什么。’

Rita: I'll be the one to decide on that, Troy. 我才是决定你有没有搞砸的人,特洛伊。

Rita: I worked for days to get the figures just right for you, Mr. Ho. I hope they were satisfactory. 我花了好几天为您搞定这些正确的数字,侯先生。我希望它们能令人满意。

Mr. Ho: Up to your usual high standards, Rita. 跟你平常的高水平没两样,莉塔。

Rita: I really want to please you, sir. I look up to you. You're like a father figure to me. 我真的很想让你满意,先生。我很敬重你。你对我而言就像是个父亲般的人物。

Mr. Ho: Ho, ho. Well, Rita. Running a business is like being the father of a very big family. Our employees are our lifeblood. 呵呵。这个嘛,莉塔。经营公司就像是当一个很大家庭的父亲一样。员工就是我们的命脉。

Rita: Yes, if our employees are happy, we're happy. My department sees me as their big sister. 是啊,如果我们的员工都开心的话,我们也开心。我的部门就把我当成他们的大姐一样。

Mr. Ho: Well, keep up the good work, Rita. 呃,继续好好努力啰,莉塔。