第 90 课: You picked my favorite cuisine! 你选了我最喜欢的料理

Candy: That's no biggie. So what about changing my tourist visa to a student visa? 这没啥大不了的。那么怎么把我的旅游签证换成学生签证?

Ian: With all this documentation, you should have no problem. 有了这些文件,你应该没问题。

Candy: So I can just show up at the L.A. Airport with this acceptance letter, and they'll let me in? 那么我只要带这封认可信去洛杉矶机场,他们就会让我进去?

Ian: NO! You have to go through all the procedures at the American Institute here first! 不行!你必须先通过这里的美国协会所有的程序才行!

Candy: [Loudly] OKAY! Hey, what's up with you anyway? Weren't you gonna apply to grad school here? (大声地)好啦!嘿,对了,那你那边还好吧?你不是要申请这里的研究所吗?

Ian: Don't remind me. Let's go get that drink now, OK? 别提醒我了。我们现在去喝一杯,好吗?

Sarah: I wanted to thank you so much for helping my cousin out. Can I buy you dinner tonight? 我要大大地感谢你帮我表妹。今晚请你吃饭如何?

Ian: Uhh, sure! Actually, I wanted to ask you some questions about grad school in Taiwan. 嗯,好啊!事实上,我想要问问你台湾研究所的一些事情。

Sarah: I'd be happy to answer them for you. I just turned in my application last week. 我很乐意能为你解答。我上星期才把我的申请书交出去。

Ian: Oh, it's possible to apply so late in the year? That's great! 噢,有可能在这么年尾时才申请吗?那太好了!

Sarah: I applied to a school that takes rolling applications, so it's no problem. So, does Thai sound alright? 我申请的学校无限期接受申请,所以没问题。好吧,那泰国菜听起来如何?

Ian: You picked my favorite cuisine! 你选了我最喜欢的料理!

Sarah: I must be psychic. So you think Candy will get through grad school? 我一定是会通灵。那么你觉得凯蒂会念完研究所吗?

Ian: I think she 1 has what it takes to make it through. 我觉得她有足够条件能办到。

Sarah: She has what? A fat wallet? 什么条件?大金库吗?

Ian: That fat wallet should buy her a lot of completed homework. 那个金库应该买得起很多写好的作业。

Sarah: And that fat wallet is helping pay for dinner tonight. 而且那个金库要帮忙付今天的晚餐。

Ian: How nice. So Sarah, I'm tired of working. I want to try being a student again. 多好啊。莎拉,我厌烦了工作,我想试着再当一次学生。