Unit 11 - Swimming And Latin Dance 游泳和拉丁舞-3

SHELLY: Really? What kind of music do you like? 雪莉:真的啊?你喜欢跳哪种舞?

DAVE: Oh, I mostly like Latin music. I like the Cuban dance clubs. 迪夫:我最喜欢拉丁舞,我喜欢"古巴舞蹈俱乐部"。

SHELLY: Wow! That's interesting. Me too. 雪莉:哇!真有意思,我也是。

DAVE: Hmm. Maybe we could go dancing sometime. If you like. 迪夫:唔,如果你愿意的话,也许我们日后可以一起去。

SHELLY: Really? I think I would like to. I will give you my card, alright? 雪莉:真的?我很乐意,我给你我的名片好吗?

DAVE: Great. 迪夫:太好了。

SHELLY: You can call me, and we can set it up. 雪莉:你可以打给我,我们再约。

DAVE: Any more tips about swimming? 迪夫:还有什么游泳的诀窍吗?

SHELLY: Yes, of course. But we can talk about it at next week's lesson. 雪莉:当然有,不过下星期上课时再说吧。