Unit 15 - A Day At The Zoo 动物园-2

JASON: Yes, I can't believe they have him out in the sun like this. Isn't it too hot? 杰森:对啊,我真不敢相信他们让它像这样在太阳底下,那不是太热了吗?

CHRIS: It's sad. Sometimes I think zoos should treat animals better than they do. Look at the space they have him in. It isn't enough. 克利丝:真可悲,有时候我觉得应该对动物更好一点。看看他们给它的空间,根本不够。

JASON: No. It isn't. They should have him indoors in the air conditioning. They should give him a nice tank to swim in, and fresh seal meat every day. They should let him have an iced coffee every couple days. 杰森:不,不是。他们应该让它待在有空调的室内,给它一处水槽游泳并且每天提供新鲜的海豹肉。他们应该每隔几天就给它喝杯冰咖啡。

CHRIS: You're thinking about yourself again. Always so selfish. 克利丝:你又想到你自己了,总是这么自私。

JASON: I feel sorry for that bear. Just like him, I'm too hot. Both he and I--we should be in a nice cold wilderness right now. We're both sick of southern California. 杰森:我替那只熊感到难过,就像它一样,我觉得太热了。他和我--我们现在应该在一处寒冷的荒地,我们都对南加州感到厌烦了。

CHRIS: Do you really want to move away? To Alaska? 克利丝:你真的想搬走吗?搬到阿拉斯加吗?

JASON: Yes, when I graduate. I will move away from California. That's for sure. And I will take the bear with me. We will open an iced coffee cafe in Alaska. He will do tricks for the customers and I will make the coffee. It will be a great success. 杰森:是的,当我毕业时。我会搬离加州,这是肯定的。而且我还会把熊一起带去,我们会在阿拉斯加开一间冰咖啡店。它可以为客人表演把戏,而我来泡咖啡。这一定会大受欢迎。

CHRIS: You are a clown, Jason. You are just a clown. 克利丝:杰森,你真是一个小丑。你只是一个小丑。

JASON: Thank you. I respect clowns. Thank you very much. So where is that Monkey Island? 杰森:谢谢你。我尊敬小丑,非常谢谢你喔。猴子岛在哪?

CHRIS: Over this way. Follow me. 克利丝:在这条路,跟我来吧。