Unit 7 - Barbecue: BBQ 烧烤-3

CHARLIE: I am not one to drink lighter fluid. Maybe window cleaner, maybe nail polish remover, but never lighter fluid. I don't think it's good for my health, Hugh. 查理:我不喝点火液的。或许还喝窗户清洁液、洗指甲油液,但是绝不喝点火液。 我以为那对健康不好的,胡。

HUGH: I believe you're right, Charlie. How is that beer? 胡:我相信你是对的,查理。啤酒如何?

CHARLIE: It is warm, but I will survive. Let's get that frisbee. I feel like some exercise. 查理:温的,不过我活起来了。 来玩飞盘吧,我想运动一下。

HUGH: Alright. I can't get it yet. It's in the car. We'll have to start when Sophia gets back. 胡:好的,现在我没有飞盘,放在车子里。必须等苏菲亚回来再开始。

CHARLIE: Oh, Hugh! Hugh! The suffering I go through with you. No cold beer, no lighter fluid, and now-- Now no frisbee even! Oh, how can this be? Have you no respect for me? 查理:喔,胡!胡!我受够你了。没有冰啤酒,没有点火液,现在甚至没有飞盘!噢,怎么会这样?你一点不尊重我吗?

HUGH: You really are in form today, Charlie. I'll be happy to see what you're like after a few more beers. 胡:查理,你今天真是原形毕露。我乐得等着看你再多喝几杯啤酒的样子。