第 21 课:Export Commodity - On Price

Bob: Market prices are changing frequently.市场价格经常在变化。

Chen: That's true. I'll take that into consideration.确实是这样。我会把它考虑在内的。

Bob: No doubt you realize market prices are on an upward trend now.毫无疑问你已意识到市场价格在上涨。

Chen: That's where we differ. I think the tendency is going the other way.这正是我们的分歧所在。我认为价格恰恰处于相反的趋势。

Bob: The trouble is, I find your price is higher than that of the world market. 问题是,我发现你们的价格比世界市场的价格高。

Chen: Sorry, I disagree with you here, Bob.对不起,我不能同意您的意见,鲍勃。

Bob: I think you should reduce your price by at least 5%.我认为你应该至少减价5%。

Chen: If your order is large enough, I'm ready to reduce our price by 2 percent.如果订货量大,我可以减价2%。

Chen: I can assure you the price I offer is the most reasonable.我可以向你保证,我们的报价是最优惠的。

Bob: In order to conclude this transaction, I accept your price.为了达成交易,我接受你的报价。

Chen: Do you think our price is sensible?你认为我们提出的价格合理吗?

Bob: Yes, I do, and your service is very good.是的,而且你们服务周到。