第 24 课:Export Commodity - Commission and Discount-1

Bob: What's your usual commission rate for your agents?你们通常给代理商的佣金率是多少?

Chen: Usually, we give a commission of 3% to our agents.惯例是3%。

Bob: Ah, the commission you give is too small.哇,你们给的佣金太少了。

Chen: Don't worry. We'll give you a higher commission if you have a substantial increase in sales.别担心。如果你们的销售量扩大很多,我们会给予较高的佣金。

Chen: All right, then. To meet you half-way, we'll give you a 5% commission.那么好吧,我们愿给5%的佣金作为让步。

Bob: Thank you. I think such a commission rate will certainly help us push our sales.谢谢。我认为这样的佣金率肯定会有利于我方的销售。

Bob: How will the commission be paid?佣金如何支付?

Chen: We'll deduct the commission from the invoice value directly.我方可把佣金直接从发票金额中扣除。

Bob: Do you have any other forms of payment?是否还有其他方式?