第 44 课:第 31 课:Job Interview - Choose One-1

Now you are the personnel manager of NTE Company. In an advertisement for a Sales Manager you stated:现在你是NTE公司的人事部经理。在一个招聘销售部经理的广告中你这样写

"Wanted a good administrator, able to get along well with colleagues.""诚聘能与同事和睦相处的杰出的管理者"

Mr. Allen and Mr. Bailey attended the interviews.爱伦先生和贝利先生参加了面试。

This is what happened at Mr. Allen's interview:下面是爱伦先生和人事部经理的对话:

P.M.: I see from your application you are married with two children.我得知你已婚,还有两个孩子。

Mr. Allen: Yes, a boy of 14 and a girl of 12.是的,男孩14岁,女孩12岁.

P.M.: Do you have any hobbies?你有什么爱好吗?

Mr. Allen: I like gardening and am a member of our local operatic society.我爱好园艺,还是当地歌剧团成员。

P.M.:Do you play any sports?喜欢体育活动吗?

Mr. Allen: Not many now -- I'm getting too old! I used to play tennis and football and was captain of the team when I was in school.现在不多了,年龄大了。过去常打网球和踢足球, 在学校时我还是队长呢。

P.M.: Why do you want to change your job?你为什么想换换工作?

Mr Allen: I'm looking to move up. I would also like a better salary, because my family needs are becoming larger each year.我想得到晋升和更多的薪水。我的家庭花费每年都在增加。