第 58 课:Stating Conditions about Purchasing Retail Shop 洽购商铺-1

D:Good morning, Sir. May I help you? 先生,早晨好,有什么可帮你吗?

C:Yes, we have an appointment with Mr Lee. 我们与李先生有一个约会

D:Please have a seat. Sir, do you want something to drink? 请坐,先生, 请问想喝什么吗?

B:Two cups of black coffee, please. 两杯清咖啡,谢谢。

D:Certainly. Mr Lee will be right with you. (Shake hands) 好的,先生。李先生很快便会与你们见面。(握手)

A:Good morning. And... 早晨好,这位是..

C:This is my colleague Bob Williams. 这是我的同事鲍伯. 威廉斯。