第 60 课:Stating Conditions about Purchasing Retail Shop 洽购商铺-3

He offered my company a sole-agency for the premise in 223-228 Shanghai Road. 他让鄙公司全权代理他位于上海道223-228号的商铺.

Are you familiar with that location? 你对那地方熟悉吗?

C:Bob and I have done the research for that area already. 鲍伯与我曾经在该区 进行了市场调查,

We have a rudimentary knowledge of it. What is the size of the shop? 我们已有一个初步了解。商铺的面积是多少?

A:The gross area is approximately thirteen thousand square feet. 建筑面积约一万三千平方尺。

The landlord separated the unit into three smaller units. 业主把它分成了三个小 铺位.

The rental income is one million Hong Kong dollars per month. 租金收入是每月港币一百万元。