第 77 课:Signing Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement 签署临时买卖合约-1

A:Mr Johnson and Mr Chen, 约翰逊先生及陈先生,

I have already prepared a Preliminary Sale and Purchase Agreement. 我已经准备了一份临时买卖合约,

Please check the content of the agreement. 请两位看看合约内容有没有问题,

Also may I have your identity cards please? 同时请两位把你们的身份证给我。

Mr Johnson,do you have a lawyer to handle the legal document for you 约翰逊先生,你已委托了律师为你办理手续吗?

B:Yes, ABC Law firm. 有的,是ABC律师楼。

A:How about you, Mr Chen? 那陈先生呢?

C:XYZ Law firm. 是XYZ律师行。

B&C:We will contact our lawyers. B&C:我们会自行联络律师。