第 107 课:Handling general objections 处理常见借口-13

R2:Other investments can go upward or downward. 其他投资有涨有跌.

Who knows what they'll be worth the day we die or retire? 有谁知道我们退休或去世的那天它们的价值是多少

Wouldn't it be wise to invest on something that guarantees you fixed returns? 放一些钱在有保证的投资上不是更聪明的做法吗?

O12:I want to think it over. 我想考虑清楚.

R:But what particular area are you thinking about? 你要特别考虑哪一点?

The budget, amount of protection,methods of payments? 定额, 保障额, 付款方法?

If you just tell me what you are not sure about. I'd be happy to talk it over with you. 或者你提出不清楚的地方, 我很乐意助你解决问题.