第 21 课:Cold canvassing 随机探访约见-8

J:Sorry, Mr. Wong, I'd rather talk about it on the phone if you don't mind. 对不起, 王先生, 我比较喜欢与你在电话中交谈.

A:You see, Mr. Johnson, it's a bit difficult to explain it on the phone 约翰逊先生,在电话中讲解较为困难,

as I have some brochures that I'd like to show you. 因为我还有些小册子要给你看.

J:Are you sure it won't take more than fifteen minutes? 你是否肯定会面不会超过十五分钟?

A:I promise, Mr. Johnson Is tomorrow at two convenient to you? 我保证,约翰逊先生, 明天下午两点方便吗?

J:Okay,see you then. 好吧, 到时再见.

A:Thank you. 谢谢.