第 43 课:Obtaining Information 搜集资料-3

Mr.Simpson has been working as an engineer in Hong Kong for over seven years. 辛普森先生在香港当工程师, 居留超过七年,

He is now a Hong Kong citizen. 他现已成为香港居民.

He is a father of a three-year-old child and his wife is an interior designer. 他是三个孩子的父亲, 而他妻子是一位室内设计师.

Mr.Simpson's case is typical for someone who needs insurance. 辛普森先生是一般有需要购买保险的人之典型案例.

A:As I said on the phone, 如我在电话中所说,

I'm here today to present to you some financial security planning. 我今天想向你讲解一些财务保障计划.

If you think it is helpful to you, 如果你觉得有帮助,

I'll design a plan for you according to your needs 而在不久的将来再与你见面.