第 51 课:Obtaining Information 搜集资料-11

Personal Savings Plan 个人储蓄计划

A:Mr.Simpson, let me introduce to you our personal savings plan 辛普森先生, 主我为你介绍我们的个人储蓄计划.

S:What is the difference between a bank's savings account and this plan? 这个计划与银行储蓄有什么不同?

A:This savings plan is very different from the bank's savings account. 这个计划与一般银行储蓄户口并不相同.

People may be very persistent in savings in the beginning. 在开始时, 很多人都能 坚持储蓄.

But the bank balance is always like a roller coaster when people draw money for other purposes like traveling and renovation of the house. 但银行结佘就好像过山车般大跌, 如果你为了一些目的诸如旅行及翻新房屋用途而需要提款时.

While in this plan, you set a target savings amount in advance 在这计划中, 由于你先定下目标

and every month or year you put aside a certain amount. 而每月或每年存起一定的金额.

In return, you receive dividends which would be credited to your account annually. 到年终便会有一笔红利自动存入你的户口中.

In the long run, dividends accumulate faster than bank interest 从长远看来, 累积红利会远远超越银行利息,

and therefore you can save more. 这样便可有积蓄了.

In this way, unlike a bank's saving account, 这方法有别于银行储蓄户口,

you can be sure to reach your foreseeable target in the future. 你可确保将来达到预见的目标.