第 55 课:Obtaining Information 搜集资料-15

Is there a particular area that concerns you the most? 其中是否有一方面你会特别关注?

I'll take it into more consideration when I design a proposal for you. 当我为你设计建议书的时候, 我会特别考虑.

S:Let me think about it. 让我考虑一下.

A:Mr. Simpson, I need some more information from you. When were you born? Do you smoke 辛普森先生, 我需要多些关于你的资料. 你何时出生? 你吸烟吗?

How much money do you intend to put aside every month or year? 你准备每月或每年储蓄多少款项?

Generally it takes two days to design a proposal. 一般要两天时间去设计建议书.

Shall I meet you again Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock? 我可于星期三下午两点再见你吗?