第 59 课:Life Insurance 人寿保险-4

Handling objections 处理借口

O1:I'm still single, and my parents are quite well-off. 我仍是单身, 而我父母亦很健康和富足.

R1:That's why you should get it when you're young and healthy. 所以你应在你还年青壮健时拥有一份.

I'm sure you'll need it when you get married in the future. 我肯定你将来结婚时会感受到有需要的.

The reason of getting life insurance now is to plan for the future 因为现在拥有一份人寿保险就等于为将来计划.

You have a choice of getting it cheap now or expensive in the future. 你可选择现在购买一份较廉价的或将来购买较昂贵的.

moreover,when you get older you might not be eligible if your health condition was not fit like you are now. 还有,当你老了的时候, 当你将来身体状况不如现在良好时. 你的申请未必被接纳。

O2:I don't trust insurance companies. 我不信任保险公司.

R2:Then what kind of saving institutes do you trust? 那么你信任什么类型的存款公司?