第 66 课:Life Insurance 人寿保险-11

It's like buying her a little gift. 这就如买一份小礼物给她.

It makes a world of difference if it is from you. 如果这是由你给她的, 她 会感到是独一无二的.

Many people are willing to spend on entertainment and shopping, or even tips for restaurants and taxis. 很多人情愿花在娱乐购物或者餐厅及的士的小费上。

But when it comes to insurance, they're reluctant to pay a cent. 但当谈到保险, 他们却不愿多付一分钱.

Sometimes I really wonder why. 有时我真的感到莫明其妙.

O2:I have enough savings for her. 我已有足够的储蓄给她.

R2:If you have a large amount of savings, I'm sure you don't put it in a bank's savings account. 如果你有一大笔大额存款, 我肯定你不会放在银行储蓄户口.