第 67 课:Life Insurance 人寿保险-12

A wise man like you should know that this amount couldn't be liquid immediately if you died suddenly. 像你这样明白事理的人应该知道假若你突然死去, 并不能立即动用这笔钱.

Sometimes it takes as long as three years before the family can inherit the property after one's death. 有时会花上三年时间, 家人才可以承继遗产.

Besides, savings can go fast if one becomes sick long enough. 但是, 例如得个时间很长的病, 存款可以用得很快.

Most money would probably be spent on medication. 大部分钱会花费在治疗 方面.

So why not spend a little on insurance? 因此为何不花一点在保险上?

Then no matter what happens,your family and your savings can be secured. 这样不管发生任何事, 你的家人及储蓄仍能得到保障.

O3:I don't think I'll die soon. 我不认为我会很快便会死去.

R3:Me neither. If one knew when he'd die, insurance wouldn't have existed. 我都不会, 如有人能知道自己何时死亡, 保险就不会存在.