第 71 课:Life Insurance 人寿保险-16

Handling objections 处理借口

O1:My wife can remarry 我太太可以再婚.

R1:Caring about her future and getting remarried are two totally different issues. 关心她的将来与她可以再婚是完全两回事.

You have your own responsibility to take care of your wife and children. 你有责任照顾你的太太及孩子.

In fact, her future husband does not have the obligation to look after your children. 事实上, 她未来的丈夫是没有责任照顾你的孩子的.

Even though he wants to, he may not be able to afford it. 即使他希望做, 但亦未必有能力去应付.

O2:The return is too slow. I'd rather put my money in a bank. 回报实在太慢, 我情愿把钱放在银行.

R2:I agree that a bank's savings account should be made part of your financial arrangement. 我同意银行存款应是财政上的一部分安排

You can put as much as 70% of your savings in a bank. 你可以把七成的钱放在银行.

On the other hand, an insurance plan can help you achieve your long term savings goal 而另一方面, 保险计划能够帮你达到长远的储蓄目的,

and you'll enjoy a lifetime free protection. 而你更可以享受到一生的免费保障.

It's easy to draw money from a bank. 从银行里提取金钱是很容易的.

But an insurance plan makes sure that you can achieve your target. 但保险计划确保你可过到目的.