第 75 课:Explaining the Proposal 解释建议书内容-4

R:Yes,and can I get dividends? 清楚了, 我可以得红利吗?

A:Besides the guaranteed cash value 除了保障的现金价值外

you'll also receive dividends from our company every year. 你每年还会得到本公司的红利.

It is slightly different from the guaranteed cash value. 这与保障的现金价值不同.

First, you'll receive your dividend after the first year you've insured. 首先, 你会于一年后得到红利.

Secondly, a dividend is not guaranteed 第二, 红利是不获保证的,

because no companies can predict exactly 因没有一家公司可绝对地预知

how profitable their business will be in the next twenty to thirty year. 在将来的二十到三十年内会得到多少盈利.