第 77 课:Explaining the Proposal 解释建议书内容-6

At the age of 60, you'll have saved US$ 120,000. 到你六十岁时, 你便储蓄了十二万美元.

R:Can you explain the column about death benefit? 你可以解释"死亡利益" 那一栏吗?

A:Sure,this column shows the death benefit. 这栏表示的是死亡利益

If the insured died in any particular year, 如投保人在受保期间死亡,

the beneficiary would get the amount insured plus the accumulated dividend in that year. 受益人便会得到赔偿金加上该年红利.

In brief, after you've deposited your first premium, 简单地说,在你支付了首年保费后,

you immediately enjoy a certain amount of protection. 便可马上享有一定数额的 保障.

In case you need money in any year, you have two sums of cash at your disposal, 假如你在任何一年要动用款项, 你有两批存款,

that is guaranteed cash value and dividend. 就是保证现金值及红利.